Tag Archive | gamer probz

No particular subject

I am trying to wean myself off of Livejournal. That’s why I’m here most of the time, reading (and commenting) other WP blogs… but it’s slow going. I bought myself a DSi to keep me sane.. I need something to play W2, and Platinum. I know what you are saying… “Sam, why not buy yourself a 3DS?” Two reasons: The original 3DS is becoming obsolete .. and least that’s what Gamestop said.. now they only sell the XLs so… I have to build up my money in the next few months,  bc the XL is too fucking expensive. So.. I got something to play my DS cartridges. 

I feel like going for a nap.


Did you know this?????

Apparently, my local gamestop / microplay are not stocking the original 3DS anymore. Yet, yet, YET, they still sell the DSi.. isn’t that a little fucked up?  (Or a lot fucked up lol) I’m not selling my vita and I’m not selling my sister’s 3DS XL to get $$$. I just will get me a dsi until II can afford another XL.